E-mail marketing - Fast - Cost-effective

Communicating with e-mail marketing is the most cost-effective way to reach out with information or offers.

This is how it works

We put together and design a draft for you, free of charge, that you may approve. We collect information from your website. (Alternatively, you send us the texts and images you want to use)
We will agree on a date for the mailing.
We will send your campaign and it's published for 14 days on the start page.

Send in notice of interest

Industritorget compiles a draft that you approve before publication. An offer is shown for 14 days on the home page and published through mailings to swedish industry.

Do you have pictures or other material that you want included in the offer you are welcome to email it to us at material@industritorget.se. Do you have questions and want to get in touch with us right away? Call us at 035-260 32 00.


Company name
By clicking "Mail" you agree that we save your personal information according to current terms
Would you like to receive mailings from industritorget.com?

Send me a copy of the message.