
Price: Not specified

New/Used: New
Category: Screw
Screws /Rivets & Springs

Reference no: -
Posted: 2021-12-18
Petronella Greek
Marknad & försäljning i Sverige
072-555 66 95


MakeNOVOnox Hygienic

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Kipp Scandinavia AB, Petronella Greek


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Contact information
Mailing address
Skrantahöjds Vägen 40f
69146 Karlskoga
Visiting address
Skrantahöjds Vägen 40f
69146 Karlskoga
Örebro county
Organization id:
Founded: Not specified
Employees: 650
Welcome to Kipp Scandinavia AB

Kipp is a German manufacturer and supplier. Kipp has been a quality partner to the industry for over 100 years.
As your supplier, we can offer a comprehensive product range with more than 65,000 articles in the areas of standard elements, clamping technology and manoeuvring parts.

Our machinery and warehouse are in Germany. We have extensive in-house production and can also make customised solutions for our customers. This guarantees fast reaction times and shorter transports and high quality controls. We work a lot with product development where we are constantly refining without letting the quality change.
It is important for us to always maintain a high standard and to ensure quality, continuous quality controls are carried out on production, packaging and delivery.

We focus on the environment in our production and also make some renewable products that can be recycled and reused.

We have had a completely new warehouse and delivery system since 2023, which provides security of supply, which is important as we have customers all over the world.
On our website you can easily find products and order directly through our webshop.
We also offer CAD drawings for all our products.

Our Swedish sales office is located in Karlskoga. We are open every weekday and there you can talk to our technical sales people, ask about products, making enquiries and also place orders directly by phone or email. We always have quick response times.

Welcome to our website to learn more about us and our products:


Petronella Greek
Marketing & Sales Swden
072-555 66 95


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