Laser cutting
Laser cutting is an advanced machining method that uses a concentrated laser beam to cut and separate materials. The high-energy laser beam melts or vaporizes the material at the cutting point, resulting in clean and precision-cut edges. Laser cutting is renowned for its extremely high precision and speed, making it ideal for processing materials such as metal, plastic, wood, and ceramics. It is used in various industries, including automotive component manufacturing, electronics, signage, and intricate pattern cutting. Laser cutting is a cost-effective and efficient method that delivers high-quality results and is crucial in modern industrial manufacturing. In our business directory, you can find companies offering laser cutting services.
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Showing results 1-60 of 386
What Is Laser Cutting?
Laser cutting is a precision machining method that employs a concentrated laser beam to cut through various materials. By directing a high-energy laser at the workpiece, the material is melted or vaporized at the cutting point, resulting in clean and precision-cut edges. Laser cutting can be used to process a wide range of materials, including metal, plastic, wood, ceramics, and more. It is known for its high speed, accuracy, and ability to create detailed and complex cutting shapes. Laser cutting is used in various industries, including manufacturing, electronics, medical technology, automotive, signage, and is a crucial technology in modern industrial production.
2D Laser Cutting
2D laser cutting is a machining method that uses a laser beam to cut through materials and create precise 2D shapes. It is a high-precision technique that can produce detailed and intricate cut edges in a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, wood, and fabric. By following digital drawings and patterns, 2D laser cutting can create sharp and clean cut edges without the need for physical tool wear or contact with the material. It is used in several industries, including parts manufacturing, signage, art, and crafts, offering high-speed and precision in the cutting process.
3D Laser Cutting
3D laser cutting is an advanced machining method that employs a laser beam to create three-dimensional shapes and patterns in various materials. It is based on the same principles as 2D laser cutting but with the ability to make cuts at different depths and angles to create complex 3D objects. 3D laser cutting is used in several industries, including manufacturing, prototype manufacturing, art, and architecture. It offers high precision and enables the creation of detailed and intricate 3D designs without the need for physical tool wear or complex machine processing. This makes it a powerful technique for producing sculptures, models, and components with complex geometries.
Fiber Laser Cutting
Fiber laser cutting is an advanced machining method that uses a fiber laser to cut through various materials. Fiber lasers generate a laser beam by passing laser light through an optical fiber. This technology offers several advantages, including high cutting speed, high precision, and the ability to process various materials such as metal, plastic, and ceramics. Fiber laser cutting is common in the industry and is used to produce components and products in areas such as automotive manufacturing, electronics production, medical technology, and more. Its speed and precision make it a popular method for efficient manufacturing and prototype production.
Our Business Directory
In our business directory, you can find companies offering services in all types of cutting, for both large and small businesses. Our goal is to provide the Swedish industry with a comprehensive business directory to simplify everyday business operations.
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Make: Wikibox Containers AB
Wikibox Containers AB
Price: Not specified
Make: Wikibox Containers AB
Wikibox Containers AB
Price: Not specified
Make: Wikibox Containers AB
Wikibox Containers AB
Price: Not specified