Mailing address
Box 73
45625 Smögen
Visiting address
Klippsjö­vägen 6, Kungshamn
45625 Smögen
Västra Götalands county
Organization id:
Founded: 1944
Employees: 80
Welcome to AH Automation

We are a professional and reliable partner
AH Automation is a professional and reliable technology company with 80 years in the industry. Our experienced and committed specialists guide you through complex projects and deliver system solutions in automation and service.

We make your challenges ours to develop and work with you in the long term. Our broad offering backed by close customer cooperation guarantees results.

Our business concept and vision
AH Automation's business concept is to create the best possible added value for you as a customer. We do this by developing and offering innovative system solutions as well as services in automation and service in collaboration with you.

We work with commitment and business acumen, both locally and in a global environment to create added value for our customers and our owners. Sustainability is a priority for us, in several perspectives, both to safeguard valuable relationships with customers, suppliers and partners as well as employees and our common environment.

We want to be an important part of our customers' success, a reliable business partner, an attractive employer and we want to create value and returns for our owners.

Welcome to contact us!

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Nu finns den här - roboten som alla kan hantera och alla har råd med. En riktig ”folkrobot”. Robotsystemet är ytterst flexibelt och kostnads-effektivt, anpassat för miljöer där traditionella robotar är för stora, dyra eller ensidiga. Roboten finns i två utföranden – UR5 och UR10. Läs mer på vår hemsida!


ISO 14001:2004 – ISO 9001:2008


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