Mailing address
Smides­vägen 5
24534 Staffanstorp
Skåne county
Organization id:
Founded: 1967
Employees: 5
Techman Solutions AB – Smart solutions since the 60s

Techman Solutions AB develops affordable systems and machines with high quality and close customer support. With flexible working methods, we handle both small and large projects, always focusing on the customer's needs and trust.

Our facilities in Åstorp and Staffanstorp accommodate resources for project management, assembly, testing and painting. The team, with extensive experience in the industry, delivers effective solutions and builds strong relationships with both new and returning customers.

Welcome to visit us at Techman Solutions AB. We not only offer smart solutions but also really good coffee!


HERMA Etiketteringsmaskiner, Sweden (General agent)
HERMA är världsledande på etiketteringssystem. Tysk kvalité som utvecklats under 50 år. Tillverkare som vill ha trygg produktion kör med HERMA. Vi både säljer maskiner och tillhandahåller service och reservdelar. Programmet innehåller allt från enkla budgetmaskiner till supermaskiner för läkemedel etc. Välkommen!


Erick Noren
070-937 55 64
070-937 55 64